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All translations - Rodrigues

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Source language
Brazilian Portuguese Eu separei alguns filmes aqui e estava pensando...
Eu separei alguns filmes aqui e pedir algo para gente jantar!!! Você gosta de comida brasileira? Amanha me manda e mail se você poder vir aqui em casa!!! Obrigado

Completed translations
English I've separated some videos here and I'm thinking...
Source language
Italian Mi ruppi una gamba perció mi portano all'ospedale
Mi ruppi una gamba perció mi portano all'ospedale

Completed translations
Brazilian Portuguese Eu quebrei minha perna, por isso fui transportado para o hospital
Source language
Italian Flacone sterile fino all`apertura. Uttilizzare la...
Flacone sterile fino all`apertura. Uttilizzare la soluzione entro 180 giorni dalla prima apertura.
Эта надпись на флаконе раствора для линз.

Completed translations
English The bottle is sterile till opening. Use the solution...
Russian Флакон стерилен до открытия. Использовать...
Source language
German lieb dich mein schatz
lieb dich mein schatz

Completed translations
Portuguese Te amo meu tesouro
Source language
German Was ist das? Schreib die richtigen Wörten mit dem...
Was ist das?Schreib die richtigen Wörten mit dem umbestimmten Artikel auf!

Completed translations
English What's that? Write down the right words with the...
Turkish Bu da ne? DoÄŸru kelimeleri yaz...
Source language
Turkish caca
hack arkadaşlar nerdesiniz bizi tekila ve D+ COBO lardan mahrum mu bırakacaksınız ya

böyle çağırınca geliyormu bunlar

Completed translations
Brazilian Portuguese caca
Source language
French je suis loin d'être un ange
je suis loin d'être un ange

Completed translations
German Ich bin alles andere als ein Engel
Source language
Turkish Tekrardan görüşmek üzere, Hoşçakal
Tekrardan görüşmek üzere,
herhangi birisiyle daha önceden mesajlaşıp ona daha sonra tekrar görüşeceğini belirtmek için cümlenin sonunda kullanılabilecek " tekrar görüşmek üzere" cümlesinin çevirisi nedir.

Completed translations
English Until we meet again, Bye
Brazilian Portuguese Até a próxima reunião, Adéus
German Nochmals auf Wiedersehen, Tschüß
Arabic مع السلامةالى اللقاء
Polish Do czasu kiedy spotkamy się znowu,cześć
Source language
French Je pense à toi à chaque instant ...tu es loin de...
Je pense à toi à chaque instant ...tu es loin de mes yeux mais mon coeur fait fondre la distance
Utilizaţi acest link dacă nu aveţi tastatură cu caractere româneşti".

Attention, toute traduction effectuée sans utiliser les diacritiques roumaines si nécessaire sera refusée systématiquement. Merci de respecter les langues écrites

Completed translations
German Ich denke jeden Augenblick an Dich... Du bist
Romanian Mă gândesc la tine în fiecare clipă... eşti de departe de mine
Source language
Italian altrochè appoggio!!!
altrochè appoggio!!!

Completed translations
Brazilian Portuguese pois é claro que suporto!!!
Source language
Portuguese brevemente bombeira
brevemente bombeira

Completed translations
French Bientôt pompière
English fireman-to-be
Source language
English The most efficient way to view your hourly and...
The most efficient way to view your hourly and daily weather forecast!

Localized weather forecasts in a chart report.

Get your local weather charts on your smartphone, so you can view a whole week in a snap and also get detailed hourly forecasts for the next days. Charts make it easy to show to friends and colleagues.

Read temperatures, precipitation probabilities with weather forecast icons, and wind over the next hours and the next 10 days on easy-to-read scrollable charts

Completed translations
German Der effizienteste Weg, um Ihre stündliche und...
Source language
Brazilian Portuguese lindao
sou simplismente cada dia mais apaixonada por voce!!!

Completed translations
English Beauty
Turkish Güzellik
Chinese traditional 美人兒
Japanese 美人
Hebrew יפה שלי
Breton Goantenn
Source language
Brazilian Portuguese " águas do trono" " o sangue de Jesus tem...
" águas do trono"
" o sangue de Jesus tem poder"
" mais de Deus"
" liberdade"

Completed translations
Spanish "aguas del trono"
English "Waters of the throne" "The blood of Jesus has...
Source language
Latin cicada orni loquendi veranum tempus est
cicada orni loquendi veranum tempus est
Uma amiga me pediu a tradução desta frase. Ela achou que fosse italiano. E, itaiano, eu sei. Mas, é latim. Então, peço ajuda.

Completed translations
French la cigale
Brazilian Portuguese A cigarra sentado no freixo anuncia a estação bonita
English The cicada on the rustling ash-tree announces the warm season
Source language
English I have to go now, for a massa. Nice speaking to...
I have to go now, for a massage. Nice speaking to you. don't forget the english course.

Completed translations
Brazilian Portuguese Eu tenho que ir agora para massagem. É muito bom falar com...
Source language
French Tu me manques beaucoup Et je t'aime Oui Moi,...
Tu me manques beaucoup
Et je t'aime
Moi, je t'aime
Gros bisous
à bientôt

Completed translations
Brazilian Portuguese Você me faz muita falta E eu te amo Sim, ...
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